首页> 中文期刊> 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >论北宋嘉祜文人雅集唱和诗作的内容与特点




北宋嘉祜年间,大批文士聚集在欧阳修周围,形成规模庞大的京城文人集团。欧阳修也及时利用行政手段,对以“险怪奇涩”“奇僻”为特征的“太学体”大加贬抑,为诗文革新运动的全面胜利扫清障碍。此时的文人唱和与雅集活动主要有:礼部唱和;《明妃曲》唱和;饯别会饮;茶会饮等。唱和诗作在内容上,以咏物诗作为最多,其次是歌颂友谊之作,再次为赠别之作,此外还有一些抨击时弊与吟咏山水的作品;在艺术手法上:戏谑与庄重并存;议论与形象兼顾;才学与平易并美等,这些对宋诗的发展都有较深远的影响。%In the period of Jiayou, a large number of scholars gathered at Ouyang xiu and formed a large-scale group. Ouyang xiu also timely used administrative means to inhibit the characterized astringent and rustic by Imperial College body and clear away the obstacles of literature development. On the basis of Song Poetry Collection and Collection of Ouyang xiu, Ouyang xiu was the center of the scholar gathering activities. The activities mainly concluded Ministry of Rites Chang-he, Ming Princess song singing and so on. The content has Yongwu poetry including praising friendship, farewell poetry,criticizing the society and landscape poetry. In artistics: the coexistence of joking and gravity, balance of discussion and image, common beauty in intellect and plainness, all those have farreaching impact on the Song Poetry.



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