首页> 中文期刊> 《中华女子学院学报》 >威尔基·柯林斯《月亮宝石》中女性沉默书写




Victorian novelist, the“King of Sensation Fiction”, Wilkie Collins composed the classic The Moonstone, which reflects his superb writing skills. A number of contemporary studies at home and abroad have explored this novel from perspectives including post-colonialism, feminism, narrative strategies, identity crisis and religion, among others. However, the silence of the women mirrored in the four main women characters deserves further study. Collins portrayed four women from the upper and lower classes in order to explore several issues facing women in the patriarchial Victorian system, symbiotic relationships between mother and daughter, class separation and transgression. Through those topics, Collins raised speculation on the ideology of“Angel in the House”, women’s rights to inheritance and their ability to participate in public affairs, as well as original sin.%威尔基·柯林斯被誉为“惊悚小说之王”,他所撰写的经典的惊悚小说《月亮宝石》展示了作者高超的写作造诣。目前,国内外对此小说的研究解读在方法与视角方面不乏新意,众多评论家分别从后殖民主义、女性主义、叙事策略、身份危机、宗教等角度丰富和拓展了小说的解读空间,但鲜有从女性沉默这一角度审视小说的内涵,遂而成为深入研究此小说的切入点。柯林斯在《月亮宝石》中分别塑造了四位来自贵族和下层阶层的女性,通过刻画她们各具特点的沉默方式来揭示维多利亚社会女性的生存状态、母女共生关系、等级隔离与阶级分化等现状,从而表达作者对“家中天使”形象、女性的财产继承权、女性参与社会公共事物的权利和原罪等问题的思考。



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