首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 >论欧阳修《诗本义》解《诗》本义之不足




By distinguishing notes of Book of Songs and using many research methods,Ou Yangxiu and his book provided us a new research perspective about how to research about Book of Songs. Its name was“Original Meaning of Book of Songs”. There were many conflicts between its theory and practice and there were many mistakes in its interpretations. Many of its criticisms on notes were wrong,and its suspicion on ShiXu was wrong. Ou Yangxiu made many mistakes when he interpreted Book of Songs by emotion. And when he interpreted poems,he could not get rid of ethics. Some peo-ple said that there were not so many mistakes in this book and if someone said this just because his i-dentity was different from Ou Yangxiu. But this is not true.%欧阳修主张探求《诗》本义,但《诗本义》并非全是《诗》本义。《诗本义》的许多解说很精彩,但也有不少解说值得商榷。学者过多关注《诗本义》疑古惑传的开创性、人情解《诗》的独特性、求《诗》本义的合理性,而较少关注它解说《诗》本义的错误。《诗本义》错解《诗》本义,表现在三方面:一是《诗经》传注本不误,欧阳修反对其不当批驳;二是欧阳修以人情解《诗》,“人情”却并非总是合理;三是欧阳修过分探求圣人之志,妨碍了他对文本的正确解读。宋代林光朝称《诗本义》“于义未稳”,却被视作讲学者的一面之词,致使《诗本义》解《诗》本义之不足被忽视。



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