首页> 中文期刊> 《大连大学学报》 >教会自由与世俗政治之间的平衡—教皇亚历山大三世在贝克特争论中对教会—国家关系的处理




The Bao-Jia system was an important rural grass-roots political system during the period of Nan- jing National Government; the academia has paid close attention to it early since the 1930s. But strictly speaking, scholars' studies on the Bao-Jia system began in 1990s, mainly on its concept & nature, origin, implementation mechanisms, public opinion organs, and the relationship between the Bao-Jia system and local autonomy. The research has gained achievements but there are still problems needed to cause attention. This paper tries to give a description from the perspective of academic history on the studies of the Bao-Jia system during the period of Nanjing National Government,with an expectation of advancing the research.%英格兰坎特伯雷大主教托马斯坝克特与国王亨利二世的争论发生在教皇亚历山大三世任职期间。作为基督教世界的精神领袖,亚历山大在争论中扮演重要角色。一方面,由于罗马教会长期分裂,亚历山大处境艰难,需要亨利的支持,不得不谨慎地对待争论;另一方面,教皇权威在英格兰得到尊重,亚历山大与贝克特在维护教会自由的立场上基本一致。总体来看,他给予贝克特有限度的支持,积极调解争论,缓和了教会自由与世俗政治之间的张力,维护了教皇权威在英格兰的适度影响。



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