首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 >人心暴戾的化育:学生暴力行为的诗教可能




The violence problems of students, which make the contemporary education severely criticized and ques-tioned by the public,signifies the nature of education in danger. The danger lies in that the modern education lost in sur-viving education,and the scientific education cannot take the responsibility of cultivating student’s soul. Poetry education, as an vital human education tradition,has the strength to heal the brutality and anger in the soul. Through analysing written by Sophocles,the paper expounds that the noble poetry bloomed the power of poetic words and emotions can soft-en soul’s brutality and anger, and broaden the awareness of the fragile and limited existence of human beings. Via such instruction,abusers should learn to reflect themselves,break violent logic and cure cruel hearts.%将教育推向舆论风口浪尖的学生暴力事件是现代教育出现危机之兆。这一危机源于谋生化、科学化的教育模糊了其指向人心化育的根本职责,使其无力担当对人心的教化。索福克勒斯的《埃阿斯》展现了以言辞与情感化解人心暴戾的诗教力量,教化施暴者在遭受不义时应秉持忠恕之道,而非以暴制暴。诗教作为值得复兴的教化传统,让学生在游戏性的摹仿中,反思偏执的暴力逻辑,化解人心的暴戾之气。



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