首页> 中文期刊> 《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》 >Pb胁迫对金丝草和柳叶箬生长及富Pb特征的影响




以本课题组前期研究筛选出的2种Pb潜在超富集植物金丝草和柳叶箬为研究对象,通过室内模拟胁迫水培试验,研究Pb胁迫下2种植物的生长及Pb富集规律.结果表明:金丝草和柳叶箸均对Pb具有较强的耐性,可忍耐最高Pb胁迫浓度分别达1000和1500 mg·L-1;随Pb胁迫浓度的增高,2种植物地上和地下部分的Pb含量均呈现先增大后减少的规律;金丝草地上和地下部分的Pb含量在Pb胁迫浓度为750 mg·L-1时均达最大,分别为4639.4和5467.2 mg·kg-1;柳叶箸地上和地下部分的Pb含量在Pb胁迫浓度为1000 mg·L-1时达最大,分别为6828.4和9034.6 mg·kg-1;不同Pb胁迫浓度下,2种植物转运系数的变化范围为0.57 - 1.14;在Pb胁迫浓度为250mg·L-1时,金丝草对Pb的转运系数大于1,且地上部分的Pb含量超过1000 mg·kg-1,达到Pb超富集植物的标准.%Two new potential lead-hyperaccumulators Pagonatherun crinitum and Lsache globosa were firstly found in Youxi and Li-ancheng mining areas of Fujian Province. Their growth response and accumulation to Pb were studied by Pb stress simulation hydro-ponic experiment. The results showed that the maximum tolerances of Pb stress concentration were 1000 mg · L-1 of P. crinitum and 1500 mg · L-1 of L globosa. The Pb concentration in aboveground and roots of P. crinitum and L globosa firstly increased and then declined with enhancing of Pb stress concentration. The maximum Pb concentrations in aboveground and roots of P. crinitum were 4639.4 and 5467.2 mg · kg-1 respectively under Ph stress concentration 750 mg · L-1. The maximum Pb concentration of L globosa in roots was 6828.4 and 9034.6 mg ? kg'1 in aboveground under Pb stress concentration 1000 mg · L-1. The transport coefficient of P. crinitum exceeded 1 under Pb stress concentration 250 mg · L-1, but it was lower than 1 under other stress concentrations. The transport coefficient variation range of P. crinitum and L globosa was 0.57 -1.14. P. crinitum and L globosa have high tolerance and accumulation ability to Pb, and they are suitable to the restoration of Pb pollution.



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