首页> 中文期刊> 《邯郸学院学报》 >一部大气、扎实与创新的音韵学新著——评《汉声——汉语音韵学的继承与创新》




With two volumes (Ⅰ, Ⅱ) including thirty six selected articles, the book Han Tonean innovation and heritage of Chinese Phonology edited by professor Zhang Weiyi can be regarded as a masterpiece with the reflection of achievement of the salon talks on the Han-Tone research symposium. This book is featured with an a quality of grandness, solidarity and innovation. For sure ,the aspect of the innovation in the book should be given more attention, for it attaches great importance to the application of zone-distinguishing of the historical dialect and the method of quantity analysis in Chinese phonology. Therefore ,whether in the method or theory, its timely publication, no doubt, has a great significance in realm of the Chinese phonology for the research of this field.%《汉声——汉语音韵学的继承与创新》是一部音韵学学术论文集,收音韵学学术论文36篇,集中反映了“汉声社音韵学学术沙龙”的学术成果,中国文史出版社2011年12月出版。本书显示出一种大气、扎实与创新的学术特点,尤其在创新方面,特别重视对历史方言分区的应用,重视对量化分析法的运用,对汉语音韵学界在理论与方法上均具有较强的指导意义。



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