首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南中医药大学学报》 >王爱华教授治疗功能性便秘经验举隅




湖南省名中医王爱华教授认为功能性便秘往往寒热虚实错杂,其病位主要在大肠,病机为脾虚津亏、肠失通降,与肺、脾、肝、肾关系密切,提出健脾生津、宣肺通降的基础治疗大法,临证中将其分为5型论治:肠道实热证,治以清热润肠,选方自拟通便方加减;肝郁气滞证,治以疏肝解郁、顺气导滞,选方加味四磨汤加减;肺脾气虚证,治以益气润肠,选方益气滋阴汤加减;脾肾阳虚证,治以温润通便,选方加味济川煎加减;肠燥津亏证,治以滋阴益气,润燥通便,选方加味增液汤加减.%Famous traditional Chinese medicine professor Wang Aihua of Hunan province advocates that functional con-stipation is often cold and heat syndromes located mainly in the large intestine. The pathyogenesis of functional constipation is deficiency of both spleen and body fluid, and unsmooth defecating. That is closely associated with lung, spleen, liver and kidney. Foundation treatment is invigorating the spleen and promoting the production of body fluid, and ventilating lung Qi for lowering adverse Qi. Clinical treatment of functional constipation is divided into five types. The excessive heat of intestine syndrome was treated by clearing heat and moistening intestine with modified Tongmai prescription. Liver depression and Qi stagnation was treated by dispersing liver and relieving depression and regulating Qi-flowing for activating stagnancy with modified Simo decoction. The Qi deficiency of lung-spleen syndrome was treated by tonifying Qi and moistening intestine with Yiqi Ziyin decoction. The Yang deficiency of spleen-kidney syndrome was treated by warming to relaxing bowels with Jichuan decoction. The intestine dryness due todeficiency of fluid syndrome was treated by benefiting Qi and nourishing Yin and moistening dryness for relaxing bowels by Zengye decoction.



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