首页> 中文期刊> 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 >邙山墓志所见元魏宗室阶层的贵族化趋势




Tuoba Xianbei’s aristocratic tendency was largely embodied by YuanWei dynasty royal clan’s epitaph which was unearthed in North Mang Mountain in Henan Luoyang.The great change from the grassland tribal leader to the family nobleman was the realistic need to govern the Han nationality’s advanced area and the inevitable result of the medieval northern national amalgamation.The royal clan’s epitaph was written according to the aristocratism,emphasizing marriage,official and family name,and it had showed a new living situation and development outlook.The royal clan carried out the marriage according to family status and entered the official career by the higher level which started with more than six products to the position of the main.They not only promoted the moral cultivation but also followed closely the academic trend to obtain people’s approval.It was proved that the nobility was an accepted social concept,but the imperial family in power was unequal to the nobles if there was a lack of the marriage official and knowledge.%河南洛阳城北邙山出土的元魏宗室墓志集中反映了鲜卑拓跋氏的贵族化趋势。由草原部落酋豪向中原阀阅士族的蜕变是统治汉族先进地区的现实需要,也是中古北方民族大融合的必然结果。宗室墓志秉承贵族主义思潮撰写,高调标榜婚姻、仕宦和家学门风,显现崭新的生存境遇和发展面貌。宗室普遍实行门第婚,配偶选择胡汉高门。起家以六品以上清要职位为主,往往破格超迁,终至乡品规定的极限。推崇并践行儒家传统道德,密切跟踪学术潮流,提升综合素养以博取乡望认可。凡此种种,皆符合贵族阶层之特质。邙山墓志充分证明,贵族是约定俗成的社会概念,皇族掌握政权却并不等于贵族,欲跻身贵族势必要在婚嫁宦学方面有所建树。



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