首页> 中文期刊> 《乐山师范学院学报》 >缺失与理性回归:大学精神在省属师范大学校园文化建设中的困境和对策




Being the core and soul of the construction of campus culture, college spirit guides the form and connotation of this construction and indicates its influence and results. The lack of college spirit high-lights the problem of peripherization and utilitarianism in campus cultural construction of provincial normal university. It has the dilemma of deficiency in cohesion, influence and superficiality in real practice. To make up the disadvantages, we need to regress to college spirit and re-survey it to guarantee the presence of college spirit in uniform and concept. To realize the spreading and innovation of universities, we should take measures to innovate mechanism and supporters, highlighting distinctive education and teaching characteris-tic of local normal universities and valuing influencing students with spirits.%大学精神作为校园文化建设的核心和灵魂,引领着大学校园文化建设的内涵和形式,又预示着其影响力和结果。省属师范大学校园文化建设由于大学精神的缺失,凸显出边缘化与功利化的时弊,存在凝聚力和影响力不足、形式化和浅表化实效性困境。以大学精神匡济以上弊端,需回归和重新审视大学精神,对之予以重拾与凝练,首先要在制度和理念上保证大学精神的“在场”。通过创新机制和载体、突出地方师范大学鲜明的教师教育特色、重视精神育人等途径实现大学精神的播撒和创新。



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