


The class size of the primary and secondary school has been enlarged gradually in the urban area of China recently .The large class quota has resulted from the educational contradiction the school faced between the support and the demand .This educational contradiction between the support and the demand is induced by the increasing amount of children of school age in school district and the hot pursuit of high‐quality educational resources through the masses of people .In order to solve the problems of the large class quota in urban school ,on the one hand ,the educators should renew educational idea and correct the misunderstanding to education ,and on the other hand ,the educational institution need to be perfected as soon as possible with which the government orchestrate all conditions to solve the contradiction between the supply and the demand because of the increasing children of school age in school district .Moreover ,it is also very urgent to increase the investment for compulsory education ,promote the harmonious develop‐ment of compulsory education ,restrain the irrational behaviors of “selecting school” severely and take measures to eliminate the motivation for “selecting school” within most schools and the parents .%  近年来,中国的中小学,尤其是城镇中小学出现了班级规模过大的问题。大班额的出现主要源自学校所面对的教育供需矛盾。这种供需矛盾可分为学区内适龄儿童增多所引发的供需矛盾和广大人民群众追求优质教育资源所引发的供需矛盾两大类。为有效解决城镇学校大班额问题,一方面需要广大教育工作者更新教育观念,走出教育误区;另一方面需要完善教育制度,通过政府统筹解决学区内适龄儿童增多所引发的供需矛盾。此外,还应加大对义务教育的资源投入,促进义务教育均衡发展,严厉打击择校行为,采取有效措施消除学校和家长的择校动机。



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