


The southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula refers to four cities southern to Liaoyang .The earliest counties were established in the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula include Liaoyang ,Anshan ,Yingk‐ou and Dalian city .Han Dynasty tombs in the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula include part A and B .There are differences in the typology and burial objects .The early tomb of the Western Han Dynasty was characterized by pit tomb and the burial objects of ding ,boxes and pots .Stone‐chambered tombs dom‐inates the foreground after the mid Wester Han Dynasty ,while part B were shell tombs .The brick‐and‐stone‐chambered tombs appeared in the late of the Western Han and Xin Dynasty until the late of Eastern Han .Part A was affected by northern China ;however ,Shandong and coastal areas of southeast influenced part B .Part A and B had differences in the building material of the mural tombs ,typology and content which represented two schools of Han Dynasty print .The division of A and B Han Dynasty tombs favours the study of Han Dynasty tombs in the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula .%  辽南系指辽宁省辽阳以南4市,即辽阳市、鞍山市、营口市、大连市.这一地区地处辽东半岛南部,是我国东北地区最早设置郡县的地区.辽南汉墓可以划分为A、B两区,两区在墓葬形制、随葬品等方面存在着一定的差别.A 区西汉前期墓葬为土圹墓,随葬陶器组合为鼎盒壶,西汉中期以后,主要是石室墓.B区虽然西汉前期墓葬随葬陶器组合也是鼎盒壶,但墓葬形制却与A区明显不同,流行的是贝墓.B区在西汉后期或新莽时期开始出现砖室墓,并一直流行至东汉末.A区主要受到华北地区的影响,而B区主要受到山东及东南沿海的影响.A、B两区壁画墓在建筑材料、墓葬形制和绘画内容等方面都有差异,分别代表了汉代绘画的两大流派.辽南汉墓A、B两区的提出,有助于深化辽南汉墓的研究.



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