首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >'顿悟'乃'创造'必经之路?——竺道生顿悟思想对现代心理学关于顿悟研究的启示




无论是禅宗对修行过程的探讨,还是现代心理学对创造性问题解决的研究,都承认突发的创造性顿悟的存在,但对顿悟过程是否为获得心理解脱或问题解决所必须这一问题,心理学的顿悟理论并未给出清楚的解答.中国古代佛学理论家竺道生提出的"以不二之悟,符不分之理"的思想则断言顿悟所要达到的目标不可能被分步逐步接近,只有通过顿悟跃迁才能达成,这一顿悟"不可或缺假设"为心理学的顿悟研究提供了重要的理论启示.%Although the mental process of insight or sudden enlightenment has been widely recognized and discussed either in the field of problem solving and creative thinking in modern cognitive psychology,or in the tradition of Buddhism practice especially the one in Chan sect,modern cognitive theories on insight still does not answer the question of whether or not the process of insight is necessary or indispensable for creative problem solving. To this fundamental question,an ancient Chinese Buddhist scholar,Zhu Daosheng (355—434),proposed that insight is the only possible way to achieve the goal state (such as becoming Buddha) because the goal state is holistic and cannot be possibly decomposed into components and incrementally achieved step by step. This principle provides a new perspective for us to understand the nature of insight.



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