首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >新媒体语境下孝观念的当代呈现与话语建构——基于微博数据的NVivo分析




The development of new media has imposed great impact on traditional Chinese values as well as the construction of public opinions. Using Sina Weibo as the main source of data,this article employs NVivo 10 to analyze the new characteristics of filial piety shown in Weibo news and comments,and hence to explore the power behind the discourse and the changing trend of intergenerational relationship in Chinese families. It is found that unfilial and unbenevolent behaviors tend to attract more attention and comments on Weibo. The new media discourse highlights the equality between parents and children,indicating a growth in the power of the younger generation. Accordingly,reciprocity has become an important principle governing family relations. The new power relation has been further intensified by the great imbalance in digital resources between generations. Compared with their parents,the younger generation has stronger voice on the internet. In order to achieve a better transformation of filial culture,the new media need to play a positive role in guiding social values.%现代社会新媒体的发展对传统价值观念造成冲击,新媒体信息渗透对公众认知与观念形成也有着越来越深刻的建构作用.本文以微博平台上的孝事件为例,运用NVivo10质性分析软件分析孝观念在新媒体中所呈现出的新特点及其隐含的话语权力关系.微博数据分析显示:不孝、不慈等负面事件在新媒体中的曝光率和关注度不断上升,新媒体话语凸显了孝慈对等的伦理新规范,显示出子代权力的上升和代际互惠逻辑的盛行.此外,数字鸿沟加剧了话语权的代际失衡,年轻一代成为家庭伦理的塑造者,老年群体则面临失语困境.当前,新媒体应当形成积极的价值引导,促进孝文化在中国家庭代际关系变迁中的现代转型.



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