首页> 中文期刊> 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 >范国禄与王士禛、王士禄交游考




The transition from Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty exerted great influences over scholars and their litera-ture creations. During that time, both Fan’s family in Nantong and Wang’s Family in Xincheng were famous but they ex-perienced different situations. As the new representatives of the family, Fan Guo-lu became acquainted with brothers from Wang’s family in literature exchanges in special times. Wang Shi-zhen praised Fan as “a graceful prince in the corrupt-ed world”, which is very suitable for Fan. Meanwhile, Fan also admired the two brothers from Wang’s family. All these causes can only be found out from the acquaintance and friends-making between Fan and the two brothers. Objectively speaking, though the friendship between Fan and the two brothers is unavoidable and utilitarian to a certain degree, Fan Guo-lu lived all his life as a common civilian.%  明清更迭对文人特别是其思想和文学创作产生了重要影响,同处一时的南通范氏家族和新城王氏家族均蜚声一方而又境遇各异。范国禄和王氏兄弟作为两大家族的新生代表,结识于特殊时期的文学交流之中。王士禛曾赞范国禄为“翩翩浊世佳公子”,其评价之高,于范而言,自是名实相副。范国禄对王氏兄弟亦是崇仰有加。个中缘由,尚需从范国禄与王氏兄弟的结识、交游之中寻觅。客观而言,虽然从其时之政治、社会、历史背景以及各自遭遇来看,范、王之交,存在着一定程度上的必然性、功利性,但范国禄终以布衣自居了其一生。



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