


在墓地设置凶门柏历是两晋南北朝时期流行的一种丧仪,又称"凶门柏装"或简称"凶门".这种丧俗在隋朝就消失了,此后再没有出现过.对于这种丧仪,相关史料语焉不详,当今学者也鲜于论及.通过考察凶门柏历,我们能够了解东晋南北朝时期丧礼的特点、礼俗与礼制的转变以及南北文化的交流.%It was a prevalent practice for people in the Western Jin Dynasty (265-317) and the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420) as well as the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589) to festoon their doors and decorate their archways on funeral occasions.However, this tradition disappeared as of the Sui Dynasty (581-618) and has never resurrected henceforward.With regard to this particular funeral ritual, there is little recorded information in previous literature and even few of today's scholars have shed academic light on it.Therefore, an investigation into this funeral tradition would give us an insight into the funeral rites and etiquettes as well as the south-north cultural exchanges that took place in ancient China.



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