首页> 中文期刊> 《南阳师范学院学报》 >反思性学习在专业教学中的尝试——以《社会调查研究方法》课程教学为例




This paper is based on the teaching experiences of reflective learning in the instruction of the course of Methods of Social Research and Investigation.Studies show that reflective learning training plays a very important role in the cultivation of college students' professional qualities.Only when college students have mastered the abilities of knowledge application,knowledge transfer,and knowledge update through reflective learning can they proceed with their learning independently,constructively,and innovatively.In order to avoid ineffective reflective learning in specific cases,professional guidance from teachers is also needed.Such guidance should be conducted following certain procedures from fostering the students' reflective mentality and behavioral habits to creating reflective learning atmosphere for them,and from prescribing reflective learning objectives to helping them establish a standard system of reflective learning effects with appropriate allotment of content and level of difficulty.Teachers may also get self-reflection on their teaching in the process of offering supervision and guidance to students' reflective learning.%本文以《社会调查研究方法》课程教学为例,对反思性学习手段在教学中的尝试运用予以了由内涵到功能的经验性解读。实践研究表明,在专业方法课教学中开展反思性学习训练对培植和提升大学生的专业素养至关重要。学生只有通过反思性学习掌握了知识应用、迁移和更新的能力,才能够实现自主、建构与创新性的专业学习。在具体的反思性学习实践中,为了避免发生无效的反思行为,专业教师还需按照一定的要求来指导学生。从促成学生养成反思的心理和行为习惯到为学生创设反思的环境条件,从为学生设定明确的反思目标到为学生建设具有内容层次和难点梯度的学习效果达标体系,每项要求都在确保学生的反思性学习活动有持续的动力支持和有章可循。而在指导学生开展反思性学习活动的过程中,教师也实践了对自身教学活动的反思。



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