首页> 中文期刊> 《西北工业大学学报》 >基于立方星的高性能空芯磁力矩器设计




To solve the problem that how to design a big magnetic moment, small size, light weight, low power consumption magnetorquer with air core under the constraint of limited volume and power in CubSate, multiobjective optimization design method is used.Firstly,based on the structure of the square support with multiple layer of the enameled wire wrapped, the magnetic moment model, power consumption model and mass model are deduced from square support size,enameled wire diameter and turn number, respectively. Secondly, according to the model of magnetic moment and power consumption,the multi-objective optimization design of magnetorquer with genetic algorithm(GA)is used under the constraint of limited mass and volume. Thirdly,based on the relation be-tween the magnetic moment and the magnetic induction intensity,the measurement method of the magnetic moment is designed. Finally,the designed parameter is implemented. The test result showed that the designed magnetorquer has the qualities of high linearity,low remanence,and it well met the requirements of CubeSat standard. The de-signed magnetorquer successfully applied in several CubeSats indicates the reliability of this design scheme.%针对立方星体积与功耗存在限制的情况下,如何得到磁矩大而体积小、重量轻、功耗低的空芯磁力矩器的问题,采用多目标优化的方法进行磁力矩器设计.按照正方型支座上缠绕多层漆包线的结构,分别推导了磁矩、功耗、质量与支座尺寸、漆包线直径以及绕线匝数之间的数学模型.根据磁矩与功耗的数学模型,在质量与体积均存在约束的情况下,采用遗传算法对磁力矩器进行多目标优化设计.根据磁感应强度与磁矩之间的关系,设计了磁矩的测试方法.最终,将所设计的参数进行了具体实现.对磁力矩器的测试结果可以看出,所设计的磁力矩器不仅输出磁矩线性度高、剩磁小,而且满足立方星标准的要求.所设计的磁力矩器在多颗立方星上的成功应用表明了该设计方案的可靠性.



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