首页> 中文期刊> 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 >我国海洋渔业转产转业政策导致的双重困境探析--从“过度捕捞”到“过度养殖”




近年来,随着海洋资源开发利用程度的不断提高,海洋捕捞强度日渐超出海洋渔业资源的生态资源承载能力;中日、中韩和中越三个渔业协定的签署生效及海洋专属经济区制度的实行,导致海洋作业渔场逐渐减少,海洋渔民面临失业的凤险。在上述内部矛盾与外部规则的双重压力下,我国政府开始在沿海地区普遍实施海洋渔民转产转业政策,旨在减小海洋捕捞强度,实现海洋渔业资源的可持续利用。这对于改变海洋渔业资源无偿、无序、无度的开发利用现状以及保护和增殖渔业生态资源起到较大的促进作用,减船转产效果明显。然而,渔民弃船后大多转向了海水养殖业,致使海洋渔业陷入高密度、超容量的“过度养殖”困境,海水养殖资源供需矛盾进一步加剧,海洋渔业生态环境日趋恶化。鉴于此,从改善渔业管理制度入手,逐步舍弃传统的“投入控制”管理模式,引入“产出控制”管理模式,将成为有效控制捕捞和养殖的产量,进而“双管齐下”走出双重困境的合理、有效选择。%In recent years ,with the increasing exploitation of marine resources ,ocean fishing has ex‐ceeded the capacity of resources . Together with the signature of three fishery agreements with Japan , South Korea and Vietnam ,and Marine Exclusive Economic Zone system implemented ,coastal fisheries have been decreasing and fishermen face the risk of unemployment .Due to the internal and external pres‐sures ,the government began to implement the policy of transferring fishermen to other industries ,which was aimed at reducing overfishing and making sustainable use of marine fishery resources .This policy has a great effect on not only changing the free ,disordered and excessive exploitation of ,but also protecting and proliferating ,fishery resources .However ,most fishermen turn to mariculture after abandoning their ships ,which causes marine fishery to be in a state of over‐aquaculture .To step out of the dilemma ,the government should improve the fishery management system ,and gradually abandon the traditional “input control”management model with introduction of the“output control”management model so as to put both fishing and aquaculture under an effective control .



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