


The explosion properties of hydrogen-air (or hydrogen-oxygen) mixtures are explained and summarized in this paper. Near the lower combustion limit of hydrogen in air, only upward propagation and very small pressure rise were observed. Effects of nitrogen dilution and initial temperature on explosion pressure properties in stoichiometric hydrogen mixture were discussed. The relationship among three detonation propagation limits of initial pressure, tube diameter, and concentration in hydrogen-air mixtures were also discussed. Minimum tube diameter for detonation propagation and minimum explosive charge for direct initiation for fuel-air detonations were correlated and suggested the detonation hazard ranking. Finally general combustion properties of hydrogen were compared with those of other fuels, and hazardous or safe factors in hydrogen were discussed.%本文研究、总结了氢气与空气(氢气与氧气)的混合物的爆炸特性.即氢气在空气中,在比较低燃烧界限的情况下,只有向上的传播和非常少的超压可以观测得到.正因为氢气的这种特性,将氢应用于科技将极大地推进社会进步,氢燃料将成为一种主要的能源.然而,氢技术应用的成功与否主要取决于氢使用的安全性.所以,必须掌握实际使用时氢气燃烧的性能.本文在日本过去十年实验数据的基础上,通过实验研究了氢气与空气混合物的燃点.研究了氢气、氧气混合物经氮气稀释后,按化学当量比例将不同浓度的氢气与空气进行混合,并得出了低温下的爆炸压力特性.随后,分别讨论了在初始压力下一致的情况下,试管直径相同的状况下,氢气与空气混合浓度相同的情况下,这三种爆轰传播限制之间的关系.得出了在空气中直接点燃的发生爆轰的最小试管直径,最小的装药量之间的关系,进行了爆轰危险性分级.最后,文章概括比较了氢与其他燃料的燃烧特性,评估了氢气燃烧过程中的危险与安全因素.



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