首页> 中文期刊> 《沈阳体育学院学报》 >少数民族村落传统体育组织的结构及功能研究——基于壮、侗、苗、瑶等民族村落的田野调查




在现代文化和市场经济浪潮冲击下,我国许多少数民族村落传统体育项目仍能以顽强的生命力传承,一个重要原因就是它们都具有行之有效的体育组织.在当前民族传统体育保护语境下,调查少数民族村落传统体育组织的结构,探究其功能,对少数民族村落传统体育的传承保护具有现实意义.运用田野调查法和文献资料法,考察少数民族村落传统体育组织的结构、功能及演变趋势,为少数民族村落传统体育组织的建设提供支持.研究认为:少数民族村落传统体育组织的结构有主体独立型、宗族依附型、权力渗入型和资本联姻型,其基本功能是组织体育活动、整合体育资源和传承体育技艺;少数民族村落体育的组织结构并非一成不变,在周围环境变化时会作相应调适;随着组织结构的调适,会衍生出更多的组织功能.%Under the impact of the wave of modern culture and market economy,many traditional sports in Chinese minori-ty villages are passed down roughly owing to their effective sports organizations.The research on the structure and func-tions of traditional sports organizations in minority villages is significant to the their preservation.By means of literature re-view,field investigation and logical analysis,the structure,function and evolution trend of traditional sports organizations in minority villages are investigated,providing support for the construction of traditional sports organizations in minority villa-ges.The research shows that structure of traditional sports organizations includes types of independent main body,religion dependence,authority interference and capital alliance,with basic functions of sports event organization,sports resources in-tegration and sport techniques inheritance.As circumstances change,the structure of sports organizations is not invariable and will make relative adjustment,from which more structural functions would be derived.



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