首页> 中文期刊> 《西安文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 >专业发展要与西安地方经济发展相融合——关于我院开设数字媒体艺术专业的思考




Digital media art embodies the high combination of science and art. Talents of this category are in great demand in China, universities or colleges should nurture the needed talents. XUAS is a local, application -orien- ted university under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Municipal Government, responsible for the economic and social devel- opment in Xi'an, and also undertaking the compulsory obligation to build Xi'an into a cultural industry development center. XUAS offers the specialty of digital media arts, with the tent as its main direction. Only when the course construction is own characteristics. design and production of digital entertainment con- built around its content, can the specialty have its%“数字媒体艺术”是科学与艺术高度结合的具体体现,我国对数字媒体艺术人才的需求量很大,高校要培养国家所需要的人才。我校是西安市政府所属的地方性、应用型的学校,就要为西安的经济社会发展服务,为把西安建设成文化产业发展中心有不可推卸的责任。我校开办数字媒体艺术专业,数字娱乐内容的设计与制作是主打方向,课程构建围绕内容才能有自己的特色。



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