首页> 中文期刊> 《厦门理工学院学报》 >基于社会网络的福建省地市旅游竞争力评价




This paper used social network analysis to map the tourism competitiveness landscape in Fujian,and applied factor analysis and clustering analysis to assess the competitiveness of tourism in nine cities in Fujian province.The evaluation results show that Xiamen leads the list,followed by Fuzhou,Quanzhou and Zhangzhou at the upper intermediate level,further followed by Sanming,Longyan and Nanping with obvious weakness in some aspects,the weakest cities being Putian and Ningde.Proposals were then made taken into consideration the strength and weakness of each that Xiamen should strive to create new opportunities for advancement of tourism,Fuzhou,Quanzhou and Zhangzhou should strengthen the marketing and publicity of brand products with good positioning of oneself,Sanming,Longyan and Nanping should start from the construction of tourism public service facilities and increase the values of their tourism products,and Putian and Ningde,the least competitive ones,should actively attract external investment for joint development.%基于社会网络分析法的福建省9地市旅游竞争力的评价结果表明:厦门的旅游竞争力最强,福州、泉州和漳州的旅游竞争力处于中上游水平,三明、龙岩和南平的旅游发展存在明显的"短板"现象,莆田和宁德的旅游竞争力最弱.厦门应创造旅游发展新契机,全面发展旅游业;福州、泉州和漳州应在找准自身旅游定位的基础上,加大旅游品牌的营销宣传力度;三明、龙岩和南平应建设旅游公共服务设施,深度开发旅游产品;竞争力最弱的莆田和宁德,应积极吸引外部投资,联合发展.



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