


Traditional Chinese painting was in its prime in the Tang Dynasty. The figure painting occupied the major position in the paintings in the Tang Dynasty. And the endemic Buddhism and Buddhist paintings had profound effects on the paintings in the Tang Dynasty. So either the contest and the skills or the characterization and the application of colors have changed noticeably. The painting themes displayed not only bureaucrat's nobles, palace Maids and common people but also Buddha,Bdhisattoa and heaven kings. The colors of the Buddhist paintings were brought in by Chinese to draw Chinese figure paintings. So the gorgeous and splendid colors took place of the former simple and elegant colors. Since then the portraits in the Tang Dynasty reached unprecedented prosperity,a number of masters appeared and the greatest achievements had been reached.%  唐代是中国古代绘画的全盛期。在唐代绘画中,人物画占主流地位。外来的佛教和佛画深刻地影响着唐代的绘画,无论是题材内容、表现技法,还是人物塑造、色彩运用,都发生了显著的变化。绘画题材除世俗的官僚贵族、宫廷仕女、凡夫俗子外,非尘世的佛、菩萨、天王等也大量出现。佛画的色彩被引进中国画人物画,一改往昔的古朴典雅而为富丽绚烂。唐代人物画空前繁荣,大师辈出,成就辉煌



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