首页> 中文期刊>西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版) >19世纪基督教新教对中国妇女形象的建构




自19世纪新教进入中国以来,向妇女传教就成为传教士的一项重要工作。建构出理想的基督教妇女就成为传教士进入中国社会和传播基督教义的一个结合点。晚清重构的妇女形象是各种力量的博弈所形成的新的“文化形象”的女性化身。新教传教士所重构的妇女形象,既反映了传教士对中国妇女皈依的向往,也反映了对中国传统文化的焦虑。于是,传教士在对妇女形象的再构过程中汲取了中国儒家文化、基督教文化这两种思想文化资源。%It was an important work to sow the good seed to Chinese women since the protestant missionaries came to china. The ideal image construction of Chinese Christian women became the key for the protestant missionaries to come into the Chinese society and to spread the gospel in china. The reconstructive feminine image was a new culture code of the female avater brought by many powers of the society.The feminine image reconstructed by the protestant missionaries came from the two aspects: the one is that the missionaries yearned for Chinese women conversions, the other is that the missionaries were anxious about the Chinese culture. Then the Chinese feminine image constructed by the missionaries was both from the Chinese culture and Christian culture.



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