


"Mean man" is first used in The Book of Changes. The explanations of diagrams for divination define "mean man" as a person who is short-sighted without any definite views of his own, totally sense- less about situations he is in, fond of bullying the weak, and good at flattery and obedience. While in Bi- ography of the Book of Changes (a collection of theses), "mean man" is regarded as a person who ignores etiquettes and law, and has low level of morality. People are warned to never choose a "mean man" to help. It is corredt to avoid "mean man" and to hold an attitude of "being severe but without loathing them". In this way, people can get the mercy of the heaven and make everything successfully.%《易经》最早使用“小人”一词。古经爻辞指出“小人”具有见识浅陋,没有主见,不知进退,恃壮凌人,“革面顺上”等特点。《易传》则上升到道德层面,提出“小人”是不守礼法、道德水平低下的人。据此,《易经》告诫人们要“小人勿用”,远离“小人”,对“小人”保持“不恶而严”的态度,在必要的时刻,还要果敢地去除“小人”,这样才能“天自佑之,吉无不利”。



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