


Because of its identity as a kind of urban literature,Ci-poetry of the Song dynasty has rich urban implications corresponding to the various urban spaces of the Song dynasty and their features. The expression of the urban spaces in Ci-poetry of the Song dynasty is intentionally or subconsciously under the strong influence of the identity of the writer,which shows either single,parallel,alternating, or overlapping features.In the process of its development,Ci-poetry of the Song dynasty experienced three kinds of evolution in terms of spatial types before its conceptual establishment.Besides,the dif-ferent expressions and emphases as well as the differences between reality and literature are typical features in Ci-poetry of the Song dynasty.%宋词以其城市文学的身份,在书写城市的时候拥有了与宋代现实城市空间相对应的丰富内涵,城市空间的多样类型在宋词中皆有表现。在创作主体主动或无意的身份意识选择下,词中城市空间的表现受到极大的影响,呈现出单一、并行、交替以及重叠的状况。在宋词发展的历程中,经历了三次空间类型的扩展,宋词中城市空间的内涵最终得以定型。另外,词中城市空间表现的不均衡性、诗词中城市空间表达的不同以及城市空间之现实与文学表达的异同,也都是需要注意的问题。



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