首页> 中文期刊> 《云南警官学院学报》 >云南省警务实战教官建设存在问题及对策




There are following problems of the team of police tactics instructors in Yunnan: inadequate instructors, which cannot cope with the requirement of training and education; low teaching quality, which cannot meet the need of high-level education; few chance of advanced education of this fields, which make it hard for instructors to enhance capacity of professional teaching; unreasonable course setting for advanced training, which make the training ineffective; lack of attention and emphasis, which make instrutors in lack of motivation. Solutions: emphasizing on importance of enhancing team building of police tactics instrutors; completing system for facilitating the team building; enhancing communication to ensure an all-around development of instructors; increasing advanced trainings to update professional skill of instructors; making more effective course setting of advanced trainings; completing system of evaluation to improve instructors' comprehensive quality.%我省警务实战教官建设存在的问题有,教官数量少,适应不了教育训练任务的需要;素质不高,承担不了高水平的教学训练任务;进修机会少,业务能力提高慢;欠缺合理的安排进修机制,收效欠佳;教官得不到重视,建设缺乏动力。对策是,转变观念,充分认识加强警务实战教官建设的重要意义;健全制度,用制度来推动警务实战教官队伍建设;加强交流,确保警务实战教官全面发展;加大培训,促进警务实战教官知识的不断更新;统筹安排,保证警务实战教官培训收到实效;完善考核机制,全面提高教官的综合素质。



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