首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >俞景茂教授治疗毛细支气管炎经验撷菁




[目的]总结俞景茂教授分期辨证治疗毛细支气管炎的经验.[方法]通过学习及跟随俞景茂教授临诊,分别从病因病机、分期论治等方面系统论述俞教授诊治毛细支气管炎的学术观点和独到经验,阐述其遣方用药的特色,并附验案举隅.[结果]俞景茂教授认为毛细支气管炎的主要病因病机为患儿感受外邪、正气虚弱导致气闭痰阻,临诊分三期施治:喘憋期治以疏风化痰、降气平喘为法;迁延期治以清肺化痰、健脾益气为则;恢复期治以补益肺脾、燥湿化痰为用.俞教授将辨证与辨病相结合,临证屡获佳效.[结论]俞景茂教授对小儿毛细支气管炎辨证论治、分期治疗的独到见解以及攻补兼施、培固正气的组方原则值得学习借鉴.%[Objective] To summarize Professor YU Jingmao's experience for the treatment of capillary bronchitis based on syndrome differentiation with traditional Chinese medicine. [Methods]By studying and following Professor YU Jingmao to diagnose,this paper discusses Professor YU's academic views and clinical experience of diagnosis and treatment of capillary bronchitis respectively from the aspects such as etiology and pathogenesis, and treatment based on syndrome differentiation.It expounds the characteristics of his prescription and also gives proven cases. [Result]Professor YU Jingmao proposes that the pathogenesis of capillary bronchitis is mainly the affection by exopathoge and physical weakness resulting to qi stagnation and phlegmatic hygrosis. The method of dispelling wind, reducing phlegm, depressing qi and relieving asthma was used for the treatment at the asthmatic phase; the method of clearing lung, eliminating phlegm, invigorating spleen and supplementing qi was adopted at the lag phase; the method of tonifying the lung and spleen, drying damp and eliminating phlegm was utilized at the recovery phase.[Conclusion]It's worth learning from Professor YU Jingmao's unique understanding of treatment of infantile capillary bronchitis based on syndrome differentiation and phased treatment and his component of tonification and purgation in combination and strengthening the vital qi.



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