首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >王坤根脾胃病学术思想探要




[Objective] To explore Prof. WANG Kungen's academic thought in treating spleen and stomach disease. [Method] To study and research Professor WANG's papers and books, to follow his guidance, to collect and arrange typical cases record, and his method of TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs, by these methods to summarize Prof. WANG Kungen's academic thought in treating spleen and stomach disease. Seven methods in ascending and descending spleen and stomach were emphatically presented. And one solid case was presented to prove it. [Result] From Prof. WANG 's perspective, the core thoughts in spleen and stomach disease were as follows:the spleen and stomach were the foundation of acquired constitution, spleen qi is characterized by ascent and stomach Qi by descent, spleen and stomach should have a good relationship with other organs, heath care was more important than treatment. The main principles in spleen and stomach disease were as follows: promoting the circulation of qi, resolving dampness, improve digestion, tonifying Qi, nourishing Yin and clearing pathogenic fire, clearing pathogenic fire and removing blood stasis, strengthening body resistance and eliminating evil. In the reported cases, the patients were successfully cured by harmonizing spleen and stomach. [Conclusion] Based on the absorption of advanced thoughts of many ancient Chinese physicians, Prof. WAGN has a remarkable effect on treating spleen and stomach diseases, which is worth learning.%[目的]探讨王坤根教授脾胃病学术思想.[方法]通过对王师著作、论文的研究,聆听教诲,典型医案的收集、整理,以及临证思路、辨证规律的探究,总结其脾胃病学术思想,着重介绍其脾胃升降七法,并以验案举隅的方式予以佐证.[结果]王师诊疗脾胃病,强调脾胃后天、胃气为本,脾胃分治、升降为要,脾胃居中、能和五脏,治养结合、以养为主.尤重斡旋脾胃气机,立行气助运法、除湿运脾法、消食导滞法、补益中气法、滋阴降火法、清热化瘀法、祛邪扶正法等脾胃升降七法.案中脾虚寒证与脾阴不足证皆得调和中州而愈.[结论]王师诊疗脾胃病博采历代医家之长,重视斡旋气机,常取佳效,值得后学借鉴.



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