首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >沈洪治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎经验拮菁




Objective] To summarize professor Shen Hong's clinical experience in treating chronic atrophic gastritis. [Method] By following the teacher clinic and sorting out the related medical materials, the author summarizes professor Shen Hong's academic experience of treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis, and for proven cases. [Result] Professor Shen Hong thinks that the essence of pathogenesis is the weakness of the spleen and stomach. Qi stagnation, damp stagnation and blood stasis are common pathological factors. The characteristic of the disease is deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality. The location of disease is in stomach, relating to liver and spleen. The principle of treatment should be strengthening the spleen and stomach. It is also very important to treat accompanying symptoms and balance property of Chinese medicines. Prof. Shen emphasizes the combination of disease and syndrome differentiation and the integration of TCM and western medicine. He attaches much weight to diet and psychotherapy. The medication is concise and the prescription changes flexibly with the permitted addition and subtraction. The clinical curative effect is satisfactory. [Conclusion] Professor Shen Hong 's experience is effective and worthy of inheritance and promotion.%[目的]总结沈洪教授治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(chronic atrophic gastritis, CAG)的临证经验。[方法]通过跟师临诊,悉心揣摩,整理相关的病例资料,总结沈师辨治CAG的学术观点和临床经验,并附验案举隅。[结果]沈洪教授认为,CAG的病机之本是脾胃虚弱,常兼有气滞、湿阻、血瘀等病理因素,病性属本虚标实,病位在胃,与肝脾相关。沈师临证时明辨病因,谨守病机,健运脾胃,治从其本;注重兼证,循机辨治,升降润燥,应权通变;症证结合,标本兼顾,融汇中西,宏微相参;膳食调养,顾护胃气,身心同治,怡情悦性。沈师用药精炼,驭繁以简,灵活组方,化裁古今,临床疗效显著。[结论]沈洪教授对CAG的治疗有其独到的临床经验,值得深入学习和借鉴。



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