首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >吴惟康名老中医痰证治疗经验研究与探讨




Objective] In order to guide the treatment based on syndrome differentiation and to provide theory and thinking method for further research , the article researched the experience in treating phlegm syndrome of Pro.Wu Weikang,a prominent physician of Longjiang medical school,and discussed the four treatments of phlegm syndrome. [ Methods] The article researched experience in treatment of phlegm syndrome mainly from four aspects: ①searching for the primary cause of disease in treatment; ②harmonizing method with warm medicine; ③treat qi before phlegm; ④synchronic treating phlegm and blood stasis. [Results] Pro.Wu Weikang maintained that strange and chronic diseases are accompanied with phlegm. Thus he advocated that searching for the primary cause of disease in treatment,the treatment with mild medicine,the priority over qi treatment and the simultaneous treatment of both phlegm and stasis. These principles are widely used in clinic and highly effective. [Conclusion]The experience in prescription component of the treatment of phlegm syndrome not only has a high scientific content ,but also has significant guidance of clinical practice.%[目的]通过研究龙江医派杰出医家吴惟康教授痰证治疗经验,探讨吴老治疗痰证的4大原则,借以指导临床辨证论治,为进一步研究现代中医提供理论依据和思维方法。[方法]从4个方面来研究吴老治疗痰证的经验:①从治病求本探讨治疗经验;②从温药和法探讨治疗经验;③从治痰必先治气探讨治疗经验;④从痰瘀同治探讨痰证治疗经验。[结果]吴惟康教授根据痰邪形成的病因病机及其致病特点,力主“怪病多痰”、“久病多痰”之说,治疗上倡导“治病求本”、“温药和之”、“治痰必先治气”、“痰瘀同治”等治疗大法,临床应用广泛,效如桴鼓。[结论]吴惟康教授治疗痰证的经验是后学临床遣方用药的参考,不仅有着较深的科学内涵,而且具有指导临床实践的意义。



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