


[Objective]To Summmarize Zhang Xichun's experience on treatment to syndrome"Chest Qi collapse".[Methods]Use a way to put Zhang Xi-chun's document in order to analyse, reveal Zhang Xichun's experience of Chest Qi and Chest Qi col apse;[Results]In physiology,"Chest Qi fil s chest, is governing respiration of the lung", "Chest Qi based in primordial Qi, draws nourishment of cereal nutrients, reside in chest"; In Pathology, "It wil make breath short, limbs ache and lassitude and a state in which one cannot think. If Chest Qi is weak and col apses, it wil make breath pause and a state in which one cannot think". So he advances a new theory:If Chest Qi collapses, we can uplift Chest Qi", and create a series of decoctions named"shen-xi-an-Tang".[Conclusion]It was Zhang Xichun that had made a systematic study on the syndrome "Chest Qi collapse". Zhang Xichun had made an impor-tant contribution to TCM , his theory of Chest Qi had proved this point.%  [目的]研究张锡纯大气学术思想,总结其治疗大气下陷的经验。[方法]通过对张锡纯《医学衷中参西录》中有关大气下陷的论述与案例的整理、分析与归纳,阐述大气的内涵与功用,大气下陷的诊断与鉴别诊断,大气下陷及其兼证的治疗。[结果]张锡纯认为:生理上,“大气者,充满胸中,以司肺呼吸之气也”,“是大气者,原以元气为根本,以水谷之气为养料,以胸中之地为宅窟者也”;病理上,“此气一虚,呼吸即觉不利,而且肢体酸懒,精神昏愦,脑力心思为之顿减。若其气虚而且陷,或下陷过甚者,其人即呼吸顿停,昏然罔觉”治疗上,“若其下陷或仅一半,其剧者或至强半,皆可挽回其下陷之气以复其本位”,并创制升陷汤及其系列方以治疗大气下陷证。[结论]张锡纯系统地阐述了大气的学术内涵及大气下陷的辨治经验,首创升陷汤及其系列方以治疗大气下陷证,补前人之未备,并在继承中逐步完善和创立了系统的胸中大气学说,发扬和丰富了中医学理论,是对中医学术的重大贡献。




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