


云锦是中华丝织文化之瑰宝,2009年进入了“人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录”。由于历史的原因,至解放前夕,云锦曾濒临灭绝之境。新中国成立后,随着经济、文化事业的恢复与发展,工艺美术进入国家计划,云锦复兴工程随之启动。工艺美术大师陈之佛响应时代的召唤,在云锦抢救、保护、研究和复兴事业中,自觉肩负起历史使命,作出了多方面的重要贡献,成为云锦复兴的第一功臣。%Brocade is a treasure of Chinese silk culture. In 2009, it entered the“representative list of human intangible cultural heritage”. Due to historical reasons, by the eve of liberation, brocade had been on the verge of extinction. After the founding of new China, with the recovery and development of economy and cul-ture, arts and crafts have been put into national plan and the brocade rejuvenation program has been started. In the process of rescue, protection, research and rejuvenation, Chen Zhifo, the great master of arts and crafts, responded to the call of the times, undertook the great historical mission, made important contributions in many aspects and became the first hero in brocade rejuvenation.



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