首页> 中文期刊> 《物流科技》 >基于Gray-Markov的贵州省物流量预測




This paper takes freight of Guizhou province from 2006 to 2015 as the panel data, using the improved Gray Markov forecasting method, which is the combination of gray GM (1,1 ) prediction method and Maricov chain prediction. Firstly, we compare and analyses the data from the GM(1,1 ) and Improved Gray Markov forecasting method, and draw the conclusion that the imoroved Gray Markov predicted accuracy by 72%. Secondly, we have a empirical analyses, which is aimed to implement a economic forecasting for the trend of logistics demand of Guizhou province in five years, all of this is in order to provide reference of decision-making for government and enterprises.%文章以贵州省2006年到2015年的省际货运总量作为面板数据,利用灰色系统中的灰色GM(1,1)预测法和马尔科夫链预测相结合,即改进的灰色马尔科夫预测方法.首先将GM(1,1)顿测模型与改进后的灰色马尔科夫预测结果进行对比分析,发现改进后的灰色马尔科夫的预测精度提高了72%.并以此进行了针对责州省接下来5年的物流量趋势走向经济预测的实证分析,为政府和企业的物流决策制定提供参考依据.



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