首页> 中文期刊> 《医学信息》 >运用条码技术规范医院高值耗材的管理流程




Objective: To improve standardized management level of expensive medical materials in hospital, original process and its disadvantage of expensive medical materials' management is analyzed in this article. Method Based on barcode technique, a new standardized management process of expensive medical materials is provided, including purchasing, making stock, exporting, importing and Statistical analyzing. Result The new management process of expensive medical materials makes the process of purchase, appliance and management more transparent, ef ective and standardized. Conclusion Accourding to barcode technique, the new management pat ern makes a closed management chain for expensive medical materials, and it is helpful to improve the management level of expensive medical materials in hospital.%目的:提高医院高值耗材的规范化管理水平。方法分析高值耗材的原有流程及弊端,从采购、备货、出入库及使用统计等各个环节进行规范,设计并实现了基于条码技术的高值耗材管理新流程。结果新流程实现高值耗材的采购过程透明化、使用过程规范化、管理过程精细化。结论通过运用条码技术,改变管理流程,可以实现高值耗材的全封闭式追踪,将有利于提高医院高值耗材的管理水平。



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