首页> 中文期刊> 《医学信息》 >基于词频分析透视近十年国内PICC研究




目的 关注我国PICC治疗研究现状和热点, 为护理人员了解该领域发展态势, 确定研究方向提供科学参考依据.方法将"PICC"作为关键词, 在万方数据库内进行检索, 利用书目共现分析系统软件生成词篇矩阵和共现矩阵, 通过SPSS21.0软件和Ucient6软件进行聚类分析和网络图绘制.结果 (1) 近十年PICC研究论文产出量大致可分为2个阶段.第一阶段为2008~2011年低水平期, 第二阶段2012~2018年为后上升期; (2) 共提取7218个关键词, 词频不小于79次的关键词30个; (3) 国内PICC研究主要关注点置管方法及并发症处理、临床护理实践效果、护理质量控制及风险及影响因素分析等几个方面.结论 国内静脉治疗研究趋于成熟, 所涉及的方面较广泛, PICC院外护理管理专业化、专科护士规培训范化研究及带管患者回归家庭的相关研究较少见, 日后研究可趋向这些内容.%Objective To pay attention to the status quo and hotspots of PICC treatment research in China, and provide scientific reference for nursing staff to understand the development trend of this field and determine the research direction. Methods "PICC" was used as the key word to search in Wanfang database. The bibliographic analysis system software was used to generate the lexical matrix and co-occurrence matrix. The cluster analysis and network diagram were drawn by SPSS21.0 software and Ucient6 software.Results (1) The output of PICC research papers in the past decade can be roughly divided into two stages. The first stage is the low level period from 2008 to 2011, and the second stage is the post-up period from 2012 to2018; (2) A total of 7218 keywords were extracted, and 30 keywords with a word frequency of at least 79 times; (3) domestic PICC studies focused on the method of placement and management of complications, clinical nursing practice effects, nursing quality control, risk and influencing factors analysis, etc. aspect.Conclusion Domestic venous treatment research is becoming more mature, and the aspects involved are more extensive. The specialization of PICC out-of-hospital nursing management, the research on the training of specialist nurses and the research on the return of families with patients are rare. Later research can tend to these contents.



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