首页> 中文期刊> 《油气田地面工程》 >一体化预分水装置在高含水油田的应用




为克服现有集输及产出液处理系统预分水设施的局限性,研制了一体化预分水装置.该装置为橇装装置,由主体橇和过滤橇两个橇块组成,主体橇可实现高含水原油的预分水和污水净化,使出水含油量和含悬浮物含量≤50 mg/L;过滤橇依据出水水质要求,可采用常规滤料过滤或耐污染多孔道膜精细过滤.现场应用表明:一体化预分水装置可在1 h内预分出高含水原油中50%以上的污水,并完成对分出污水的净化处理,使出水水质达到特低渗透油藏注水水质"5、1、1"指标,能够满足高含水油田现场预分水需求;装置的投资仅为现有同等处理规模装置的50%,且运行成本低;可标准化、模块化设计与施工,安装使用方便;适用于高含水油田预分水和污水就地处理,实现节能降耗、降本增效;可"以污代清"进行注水开发,节约清水资源,减少污水外排.%In order to overcome the disadvantages of existing water preseparation facilities for gethening and transportation and output liquid processing system,a integrated equipment for water preseparation has been developed. This equipment is a skid-mounted unit, which is composed of a main skid and a filter skid. The main skid is used for water preseparation and wastewater treatment, the outlet content of oil and suspended particle of which can be both controlled under 50 mg/L. The filter skid can adopt conventional filtration or antifouling porous membrane filtration,depending on the requirement of effluent quality.Field application tests show that, using this equipment for water preseparation and wastewater treatment,50% of the wastewater of high water-cut produced fluids can be preseparated whin 1 hour,and the outlet content of oil,suspended particle and median diameter of suspended particle can be controlled under 5 mg/L,1 mg/L and 1μm,respectively,which meets the needs of high water-cut oilfields.Due to its low investment (e.g. 50% of conventional equipment), low operating cost, standardized and modular design and construction,easy to handle,this equipment can be widely used for water preseparation and wastewater treatment in high water-cut oilfields, which can make the best use of energy and cost.In addition,the treated wastewater can be directly used for waterflooding, thus,saving fresh water resources and reducing the sewerage drainage.



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