首页> 中文期刊> 《油气田地面工程》 >气田带液计量工艺研究




某气田采用传统孔板流量计计量方式,流程复杂,占地面积大。若采用带液计量工艺,则可省去分离器、污水罐等设备。目前三大类计量设备中,仅有速度式-旋进旋涡流量计在原理上可实现带液计量,但存在计量准确度受液气比变化及振动影响大,以及砂石高速旋转易损坏计量设备内部件等问题。针对带液计量技术难点,进行了设备优选和计量误差影响因素分析,通过模拟计算确定某气井液气比在0.3 L/m3以下时,可实现带液计量。结合某生产气井液气比在界限值范围内的统计情况,分三个层次开展了带液计量现场试验,约94.7%气井生产条件满足带液计量需求。目前,带液计量工艺已成功应用于现场,降本增效显著,对同类气田具有重要借鉴价值。%A gas metering orifice flowmeter is currently using traditional way. The process is complex, and covers large area. If realized with liquid metering, you can simplify the splitter off, sewage tanks and other equipment. Currently three categories metering equip-ment, only the speed of the formula-the precession vortex flowmeter measurement can be achieved with liquid, but the presence of measurement accuracy by liquid- gas impact than major changes and vibration,high-speed rotation of its internal parts are easily damaged grav-el and other issues. For measurement difficulties with liquid, preferably carried out equip-ment and measurement error factors analysis through simulation, determined a liquid-gas ra-tio under 0.3 L/m3, it can realize effective liquid measurement. Combined with a range of gas production was combing case,carried out liquid metering field test on three levels,about 94.7% of a gas well production conditions with a liquid metering requirements. Currently, with liquid metering technology has been successfully applied, lowering the efficiency with remarkable results,having important reference value to the similar field.



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