首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >基于特高压功率与电网频率偏差的省级电网AGC复合闭锁策略研究




分析了省级电网AGC的特高压闭锁策略在电网频率调整方面的不足.在特高压闭锁策略基础上,提出一种结合特高压功率偏差与电网频率偏差的省级电网AGC复合闭锁策略.该策略在电网频率偏差调整与特高压功率调整相矛盾时,判断电网频率是否越限.若频率越限,开放省级电网AGC,优先恢复电网频率.频率恢复至限值内或频率未越限时,闭锁省级电网AGC,减小特高压功率偏差.基于Matlab/Simulink的仿真结果表明,该策略能更快恢复电网频率,且不会过多增加特高压功率偏差,能兼顾电网频率调整与特高压功率调整.%Shortcomings in frequency adjustment of UHV locking strategy in provincial power grid AGC system are analyzed.A novel composite locking strategy of provincial power grid AGC system is proposed based on UHV power deviation and interconnected power system frequency offset.If frequency recovery contradicts UHV power deviation adjustment,composite locking strategy judges whether power frequency exceeds the limit.If power frequency is over limited,AGC in provincial power grid acts normally to recover the frequency preferentially.Otherwise AGC system is locked until UHV power deviation decreases to allowable range.Simulation on Matlab/Simulink platform shows the composite locking strategy can restore power grid frequency much faster than UHV locking strategy,does not increase UHV power deviation excessively,and can consider both the power grid freguency regulation and UHV frequency reguletion.



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