首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 >计及需求响应不确定性的智能用电双向互动仿真




The bilateral interaction of smart power consumption is an important part of smart grid. Based on the existing user’s response model for time-of-use(TOU)price,this paper considers the uncertainty of demand response. Whether the user responds and the value of transferred load are both uncertain due to the user’s subjective factors or other exter⁃nal factors for a particular event. With the introduction of multi-agent simulation method,an improved bilateral interac⁃tion model to adjust TOU price is established,which focuses on the bilateral interactive process among the power con⁃sumers and power company,and the impact of uncertainty of the user response on the TOU price setting. The example shows that there exists a bilateral interactive relationship between the TOU price adjustment and consumer response, and the TOU price will also change the user’s response characteristics. Meanwhile,the integration of the uncertainty of user response makes the simulation process more realistic.%双向互动的智能用电是智能电网的重要组成部分。基于现有的分时电价下用户的响应模型,计及需求响应的不确定性。表现在针对某次调价事件,用户响应与否以及即使响应但峰谷负荷转移率由于用户主观因素或其他外界影响因素等而存在不确定性,引入多智能体模拟方法,建立双向互动的改进分时电价调价模型。重点分析了电力公司和电力用户的双向互动过程,以及用户响应的不确定性对电力公司分时电价设定的影响。算例表明,分时电价的调整与用户响应之间存在双向互动的关系且分时电价也会改变用户的响应类型;融入用户响应不确定性使得仿真过程更真实。



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