首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >高校“佛教文化”选修课教学之我见




As a compulsory course on Chinese traditional culture in universities,"Buddhist Culture"is located in brief introduction to Buddhist culture. Its pedagogical content should constitute a complete knowledge system, and fit the contemporary under-graduate's request and levels. Therefore, the pedagogical content knowledge is designed to include nine aspects, i.e. the origin of Buddhism, the basic idea of Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism de-nominations, the introduction to Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist history, Buddhism characters and stories, Buddhist architecture and relics, and Buddhist influence on Chinese culture. Pedagogi-cal practice should follow the several principles, such as teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, gradual improvement, combining theory with practice, and integrating Chinese and Western cultures. Several pedagogical methods are considered to be suitable for the course, including narration method, reading and reciting method, practice method, and intuitive teaching method.%作为高校传统文化的通识类选修课程“,佛教文化”定位于从文化和知识角度,对佛教文化进行解读和欣赏,并挖掘其精神内涵。教学内容应契合当代大学生基础和要求,并构成一个完整的学科体系。教学内容大致包括:佛教之缘起、佛教的基本思想、汉传佛教各宗派、佛教典籍与佛经导读、佛教史、佛教的人物与故事、佛教艺术、佛教建筑与遗迹、佛教对祖国文化的影响等。教学过程应贯彻因材施教、循序渐进、知行合一、中西融通四大教育教学原则,可采用讲述法、朗读法、实践法和直观式教学法等合适教学方法。



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