首页> 中文期刊> 《科学技术与工程》 >单箱单室箱梁横隔板、墙剪切应变能计算




Both the increasingly-thin walls of box girder cross-sections and the super-loads from the trains or track vehicles made the behavior research on diaphragms and side walls become particularly important. According to the deformation of single cell box girder cross-section, the displacement parameters were designed, and the displacement modes of cross-section distortion angles were deduced. The calculation diagrams of diaphragms and side walls were simulated by rigid frames or plates. Both shearing strain energy and shearing stiffness of diaphragms and side walls were deduced on the basis of the principles of mechanics and finite element. The results show that the shearing strain energy increases with the displacement by a power function. And the method calculation results are close to the commercial FE software calculation results which show that the calculation method of single cell box girder presented in this paper is correct and reliable. The calculation method is simpler than the commercial FE software calculation method. In the calculation method, whether diaphragms and side walls are calculated separately or calculated as some parts of the box girder or the vehicle-bridge system, the calculation precision of diaphragms and side walls remains unchanged.%基于现代箱形梁桥的截面壁越来越薄,而且许多要承受轨道车辆传来的超大荷载,这都让横隔板、横隔墙受力性能的深入研究变得重要.根据单箱单室箱梁截面的变形,设计位移参数,导出横截面横向、竖向畸变角的变位模式.采用刚架或板件来模拟横隔板和横隔墙的计算简图.利用力学和有限元原理,推导出横隔板、横隔墙的抗剪刚度、剪切应变能.最后为验证正确性,将此方法的计算结果与商业有限元软件计算结果进行比较.结果表明:两者计算结果接近,说明本文提出的计算理论与方法是正确和完整的;本文计算方法较之商业有限元软件方法更加简便实用,且对横隔板、横隔墙单独计算或置入车-桥系统中计算,计算精度都保持不变;横隔板、横隔墙的剪切应变能都随位移成幂函数增加,说明其对增加箱梁截面的横向刚度,抵抗截面畸变的作用很大.



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