首页> 中文期刊> 《林业科学》 >中国幽天牛族昆虫分布、寄主分析及国外种类潜在入侵威胁




Asemini is a Northern Hemisphere eerambycid tribe, and an important forest pest, mainly causing damage to coniferous plants. More important, as one kind of quarantine insects, Asemini can bring about many troubles in limber trade, therefore, the alien species should be paid more attentions and need to be quarantined in order to prevent them to be introduced to China. In China, there are 4 genus 26 species of Asemini. Host plants of Asemini include 15 genus 36 species of 7 families, and the main host plants are in Pinus, accounting for 30.56% of the total. A fauna analysis indicated that 15 species of Asemini distributed in the Palareartic Realm, accounting for 57.69% of the total. The species predominated in China, probably because gymnosperms were the main vegetable type in this region. This paper lists all the known species and genera of Asemini and their host plants in China, and discusses their distribution. The aim is to arouse the concerns of these insects and provide a reference for the relevant work.%幽天牛族是一类重要的林业害虫,我国已记载昆虫4属26种.幽天牛族昆虫的寄主多为针叶类裸子植物,已记载的寄主植物有7科15属36种,其中以松科松属的种类最多,占所有记录到种的寄主植物的30.56%,而且危害松属的幽天牛数量也最多.对我国目前分布的26种幽天牛族昆虫进行区系分析,发现幽天牛族昆虫以古北区成分为主,这可能与古北区针叶植物较多有一定关系.我国的地理环境及生态植被,均可以满足幽天牛族非中国种的分布及寄主需求,非常适宜幽天牛族非中国种的生存和繁衍,因此应该提高警惕,严防国外种类传入我国,以保护我国树木安全.



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