首页> 中文期刊> 《科学中国人》 >诺贝尔文学奖的世界化历程




The Nobei Prize in Literature ,in its hundred years of the awards history,has grown into a worldwde iterary award .On the one hand,this is bocause Mr.Nobel,the fourder of the awards,estabished a global pcrspective regardess of auitural pattems and regcns initialy:on the other hand,the awand committee contiue to expiore and amend in the selection prooess,exerting themseives to be byal to the faunder's will,witich eventualy makes it the only world recogrized and authoritative literary awards so far.In the proccess of woridization,the Nobei Prize in Literature,on the premise of not charging the basic prinoples set by Mr.Nobel ,has explored woridzed award cirtena,expanded the scope of the awards woridwide,and achieved the diveisty of theme,subject matter and genne of the pize-winng works,as well as the dversity of stye,making it by far the longest,the most influential ,and the largest international prize for iterature across the world.%诺贝尔文学奖在其111年的颁奖历史中,已经成长为一个世界化的文学奖项。这一方面是因为奖项的设立者诺贝尔先生,从一开始即确立了不分文化形态和区域的全球性立场,另一方面在于评奖委员会在评选过程中不断探索,不断修正,努力忠于设奖者的遗愿,终于使其成为到目前为止唯一的,世界公认的,具有权威性的世界陛文学奖项。诺贝尔文学奖在这个世界化的过程中,在不改变诺贝尔先生定下的评奖基本原则的前提下,探索了世界化的评奖标准,评奖范围获得了世界性拓展,实现了获奖作品的主题、题材、体栽的多样化,风格的多样化,从而成为到目前为止世界范围内历时最久、影响最广、阵营最大的国际文学奖。



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