首页> 中文期刊> 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 >传统文化视域下人文医学思想研究--基于经典医籍之序言




The study of medical classics is an important way to carry forward the traditional Chinese medical herit-age, and the preface is like a key, which can be a great help for us to not only understand and analyze in depth, but also ruminate abundant thoughts of medical humanity within the classics. This paper, by taking the prefaces of some medical classics in ancient medical literature as examples, firstly summarized briefly the concept, category and evolution of the pref-ace. And secondly it analyzed a variety of features shown in different historical periods and social background from four as-pects. Finally, it pointed out that the study sheds light on the understanding and mastering of the medical classics in terms of their historical positions, academic origins and academic characteristics.%对于经典医籍的学习研究,是继承和弘扬祖国传统医学的重要方法,而序言又是其中的一把钥匙,不仅可以帮助读者把书读懂读透,同时还能体会蕴含于文中的丰富的人文医学思想。文章以医古文中经典医籍的序言为例,对序言的概念、种类及演变进行了简要概述;从四个方面细致深入地分析了医古文中经典医籍的序言在不同历史时期和不同社会背景下所呈现出的不同特点:较高的学术价值、温暖的人文关怀、严谨的治学态度和精美凝练的语言。



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