首页> 中文期刊> 《社会学评论》 >从有产者游戏到互联网劳工—— 一项关于共享经济与劳动形式变迁的定性研究

从有产者游戏到互联网劳工—— 一项关于共享经济与劳动形式变迁的定性研究



近年来,以网约车为代表的共享经济的出现不仅改变了传统行业的商业格局,也对传统的就业形式产生了巨大影响.本文采用定性研究的方法,从马克思,布若威等人的理论议题出发,勾勒出共享经济对劳动形式、劳动过程和雇佣关系产生的影响,得出如下结论:网约车从最初的顺风车到快专车的发展和蜕变,亦即本文所说的从有产者游戏到互联网劳工的产生,一定程度上验证了马克思的经典剩余价值理论在互联网经济环境中的解释力.平台通过抢单和补贴,隐藏由超额劳动带来的剩余价值,通过极精瘦的管理模式和彻底的外包将核心数据加工以外的劳动彻底推向外部劳动力市场,利用外部劳动力市场的竞争和以互联网为基础的信用机制实现有效管理,带来劳动者议价能力和劳动保障水平的降低.这些新的趋势及其可能带来的对网络社会的劳动形式、职业结构甚至新阶层体系的影响值得我们充分认识和积极应对.%The emergence of a sharing economy represented by Uber has not only changed the tradi-tional business pattern, but also has a great impact on the traditional forms of employment. In this paper, the qualitative method had been used to outlined the impact of sharing economy on labor process and em-ployment relations. Conclusion: The shift from the game of property owners to digital Labor in certain ex-tent, verify the Marxist theory of surplus value in the Internet economic environment. The platform hided the surplus value from excess labor by subsidizing; the platform also achieved effective and lean manage-ment through outsourcing external labor and Internet-based credit mechanism, which weakened the bar-gaining power of workers and the level of labor security. These new trends and their possible impact on the social form of labor, career structure and even the new class system should be highly concerned.



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