首页> 中文期刊> 《蒲松龄研究》 >治疗·占卜·招魂·禳灾——《聊斋志异·白秋练》中语言巫术现象的文学人类学解读




In terms of the human worship of language,language is endowed with huge supernatural forces,and thus it can be viewed as the communication medi-um between human and God. In this way,language,as a kind of divine tribute,has the same power with reality,which can control nature and human activity. This paper takes the story of Bai Qiulian in the Book Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio as a case study,analyzing some language witchcraft activities su-ch as reciting poetry as a treatment,divination and necromancy with poetry,and writing magic charms from the perspective of literary anthropology to show vari-ous functions of language,namely,narrative therapy,divination,necromancy,and calamity avoiding. It can be seen from those plot arrangements in the story that language is linked with several kinds of magic functions and language itself has been deified,which can help us know further about language witchcraft in an-cient times.%语言崇拜认为语言具有超自然的巨大力量,将语言视为人与神沟通的媒介,从而使语言拥有了近乎于实在的力量.本文以《聊斋志异·白秋练》为个案研究,从文学人类学这一角度对这一文本中的吟诗治病、以诗占卜和以诗招魂、以及符咒书写等由语言崇拜而产生的语言巫术现象进行了解读,探讨了语言巫术所呈现的叙事治疗、占卜、招魂以及禳灾等各种不同的神奇功能,这为我们能够进一步地了解远古社会中的语言巫术现象提供了启示.



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