首页> 中文期刊> 《思想战线》 >论社会组织促进平等就业的法律角色




伴随着就业体制转型与社会组织的发展,促进平等就业领域的立法也在不断地发展,2007年至今的1部国家立法与26部各地就业促进立法,赋予了社会组织平等就业“协助促进者”的角色。经过多年卓有成效的“协助促进者”角色实践,该法律角色的具体化可概括为四类:司法救济的援助者、法律法规的倡导者、促进实践的研究者、促进信息的传播者。这些具体的角色实践面临诸多内部与外部困境,面对促进平等就业及其角色体系发展的内在需求,通过采取政策立法等对应性措施化解这些困境,将有效促进社会组织促进平等就业法律角色的社会生成与国家理性建构的有机结合,推进促进平等就业角色体系的不断完善。%As the employment system is being transformed and social organizations are rapidly developing, legislation for promoting employment equality has gained momentum. The 1 national act and 26 local acts enacted since 2007 have granted social organizations the role of assistant pro⁃moters of employment equality. After several decades’practice in helping promoting employment e⁃quality, the legal role of social organizations can be divided into four types: helper in legal aid, advocate of laws, researcher in equality promotion practice and disseminator of information on pro⁃moting employment equality. However, the fulfillment of the above four roles is faced with both in⁃ternal and external constraints. To remove the constraints, correlative measures such as legalizing promotion policies should be taken in order to meet the need for building the national system for employment equality promotion and its legal roles. The national system will provide impetus for the legal roles of social organizations in promoting employment equality and ensure the continuous im⁃provement of the system for promoting employment equality in the long run.



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