首页> 中文期刊> 《西藏研究》 >西藏自治区非物质文化遗产项目名录现状分析及对策




西藏自治区对非物质文化遗产进行了全面普查,不仅掌握了整体的数量、类型、分、存续等状况,同时完成了对收集到的资料的整理、筛选、汇总、价值判断工作,可以得知,目西藏非物质文化遗产项目名录仍存在区域分布不平衡、基础设施建设跟不上发展需求、科学理利用非物质文化遗产工作进展缓慢、专业的保护机构和人才队伍建设亟需加强等几方面问题,需要在下一步的工作中切实逐步落实到位,并加强宣传工作,形成全社会保护和传承自觉性,为保护我国文化的多样性、促进各民族之间的交流交往做出更大贡献。%This paper examines the current situation and problems of intangible cultural heritage items of Tibet Autonomous Region through analyzing both the data collected of 323 ICH items at both the na-ional level and Autonomous Region level and the distribution rate of the ICH items listed in each re-ion as well as the ratio of ICH items listed in each category.It also provides some countermeasures in different aspects including increasing the investment of infrastructure construction to protect Tibet intangi-le cultural heritage,completing the organizations system and constructing better team as well as setting p research institutes of intangible cultural heritage,publicizing the concept of the protection of intangible cultural heritage and stimulating the social influence of protection from the whole society .



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